Saturday, May 14, 2011

(Critical Junkyard) "Apocalypticism"

We all know what "apocalypse" means. It is represented in all cultures spanning from the "Book of Revelations, The Nostradamus Effect on History Channel, or that Marlon Brando movie where Robert Duvall gets a lot of credit for being awesome for about five minutes. It means the end of the world.

"Apocalypticism" is an ideology that incorporates the notion of man's numbered days, but pushes that thought much deeper into a psychological debate. To me, Apocalypticism doesn't seem to really have a definition but rather multicultural perceptions that all share qualities of fear and separation from those different to your religion or belief system. Apocalypticism can use scare tactics for encouraging better social behavior, or, offer a comforting nihilistic reward for those straight and narrow believers. The appeal (or maybe a better word, interest) in the end of the world is that it is always impending and a way to judge our actions on earth and decide. If the world is going to end, why take care of it?

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