Sunday, June 5, 2011

(Critical Junkyard) Greenwashing in RWE commercial

This is a german commercial of the energy company RWE. This commercial was due, in particular, to the reproach that RWE does nothing for the environment. So the company created an energy giant which looks a bit like the popular character Shrek. Now this character is part of a campaign which should show the innocent of the concern on nuclear plants and reflect well on it.

The sad truth is that RWE only draws about two percent of their energy from clean energy, the rest is obtained from more or less rotten atomic plants. 

1 comment:

  1. Es kann so leicht sein!

    Nice post, Mareke. This is a wonderful text to work with, just full of all sorts of distortions and childlike imagery. Obviously, we admire companies who push for greener solutions. Still, the reality and representation remain markedly different.
