Friday, June 10, 2011

(Critical Junkyard) "Homeopathic Doses"


Luckily for me my vocabulary isn't that good, so I can easily find new terms to post on here.

So in the Baudrillard China Syndrome article that Dr. Davidson e-mailed us, I came across many confusing things.

But I will only discuss the homeopathic dose.

One sentence that stuck out to me (mainly because I am dumb and had to read it 12 times) was "--but the cold simulacrum and of its distillation in homeopathic doses in the cold systems of information".

I think I get stuck on this because the earlier part of the sentence is actually quite long and he says cold twice and I just don't like him.

Okay, so, was does das mean? Well I had to look it up.

method of treating disease by drugs
, given in minute doses, that would produce in a healthy person symptoms similar to those of the disease"

Okay, so, was does das mean?

I am not sure. But I think it relates to our relationship with the media. (Well, not the literal definition, but I think that is how it interacts with our toxic discourse). On one hand, knowledge about a disaster is a good thing, right? We all want to know about nuclear failures and how to prepare and prevent others, but on the other side, the media kind of causes the event and the panic that goes along with it.

1 comment:

  1. Precisely. In Baudrillard's rather elliptical and poetic thinking, there, it is the media that not only causes the reactor link but in fact IS the reaction itself.
